8 months old…

Okay, the title is a little misleading. 🙂  Elijah is actually 8 months and 3 weeks old!  Here are a few highlights of this month.

Weight: 19.15lbs
Eating: Green beans, peas, sweet potato, squash, white potato, avocado, apples, bananas, pears, plums, nectarines, peaches, grapes, blueberries, carrots, puffs, crackers,
Drinking: Breastmilk, juice-from sippy 🙂

Elijah has been crawling for almost 2 months now! He pulls up on anything he can reach!  He can use his pincer grasp to pick up food, he can feed himself puffs/crackers.  He has recently realized his bookshelves hold his toys and books and has throughly enjoyed pulling everything off and into the floor! He loves music and sometimes tries to sing along 🙂

Changing this little stinker’s diapers and clothes has become…difficult to say the least!  He does not want to be confined, he just wants to play!  Honestly, I’ve been tempted to just let him be naked for awhile.  Rushing would clean up the ‘accidents’…right?

Sick baby…
The day before we left for camp I had a mommy feeling that Elijah should go see the doctor.  He had been coughing alot and had a runny nose.  So, off we trudged to the after hours clinic.  Diagnosis: a nasty cold and a DOUBLE ear infection!  No fun at all.  That would explain why he had been waking up allll niiiight loooong! 

We put him on augmenten-which E hates.  He will take any medicine…but it’s like he can smell this and starts screaming before it reaches his mouth.  Giving it to  him 2xs a day was not fun. Since he has already had thrush, we figured he would probably get it again with this dose of antibiotics.  I started him on gentian violet at the first white spot and we started feeding him yogurt often to counter act the antibiotics.  Thankfully, the thrush didn’t get too bad and his ear infections cleared up!  However…

It seemed like each time he had yogurt he would break out in a weird rash wherever the yogurt touched.  He also broke out after he ate a wheat cracker…so we are doing a RAST allergy test in July-that should be fun.  Hopefully, it is something he will grow out of!

New classroom…

When we got back from camp, Elijah started in a new class room at daycare.  The creeper room 🙂 He loves it!  He is able to play and crawl all over the room all day long!  He is taking pretty consistent naps too, which is awesome and helps out at bedtime!

All in all, Elijah has had a great month so far.  We can not believe how quickly he is growing into a sweet little boy.  We are so blessed to be his parents!

About crazymayes

I'm a wife to a crazy youth minister, mommy to a sweet baby boy, teacher to 11 hyper five year olds and servant to our Savior. These are my thoughts, ideas, and wonderings...
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