
Well.  I lied.  I said I would post at least once a week…and here it has already been over a month since my last post.  I really do want to blog more often…but I get overwhelmed when I read other blogs that are way more awesome than this one.  I don’t feel like I have enough interesting things to say or funny comments to make or wise counsel to give.

Anyway.  September is half-way over and that means that Elijah will be turning 1 in less than a month!  He is growing so fast and is such a smart little boy!  In July he started standing without holding onto anything to keep steady and about 2 weeks ago he started standing up without pulling up on anything.  He has learned to both crawl up and down stairs and if you take him away from them he will scream like you are pinching his arm. His favorite game to play is ‘Where’s Elijah/Mommy/Daddy’  He grabs a blanket and throws it over himself or us and yanks it off and then laughs forever.  That game has saved us from several tantrums…  He also loves loves loves playing with his stacking cups.  He has at least one in every room in the house-even in the bathtub.  He carries those things all over the place. He is saying ‘Da-Da’ and ‘Mama’ quite often and most always in context.  Especially if he sees Rushing…he starts saying ‘Da-da,da-da’ and reaching for him.  He LOVES his daddy!

Elijah cut SEVEN teeth last month.  SEVEN.  Guess how much sleep we got? 🙂  He cut his first tooth on his 10 month birthday and it was orajel and tylenol from there on out.  It’s been quite an experience.

We are in the process of planning his birthday party!  Maybe my next post will be more on that.  Gives me something to look forward to writing about!

Here are a few pictures from the past few weeks!








 Just for fun 🙂  This is me this time last year!

About crazymayes

I'm a wife to a crazy youth minister, mommy to a sweet baby boy, teacher to 11 hyper five year olds and servant to our Savior. These are my thoughts, ideas, and wonderings...
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