
Seriously.  Could I be a worse blogger?  One post a month is not cutting it.  Okay.  Here and now I commit to at least one post a week. 🙂

Well, here it is, August 4 and school starts in 4 days!  How did that happen?!  The summer flew by so quickly!  I have spent the last week cleaning and organzing my new classroom-I can’t wait to fill it with my new kiddos on Monday morning.  I may be a nerd, but I love the start of a new school year.  Clean cubbies, neatly organized centers, blank lesson planner, sheets of stickers, brand new crayons-seriously, I may have a problem.  Anyway.  My class is Circus Themed this year and I think it is going to be loads of fun!  I will try to post photos later on next week…unless the kids destroy it sooner than I can say ‘cheese’! 

Rushing made it home from India and we were so so glad to see him!  He had a great time learning about the culture, the people, and working with the missionaries there.  Maybe he will write a post about it sometime soon…hmmm.  Maybe I will promise him I will take out the trash that week.   🙂 

Elijah will be 10-TEN- months old next week!  It seems like moments ago he was just a few days old and all he did was eat. and sleep. and eat. 🙂  Now, he is a moving machine-crawling all over the place like it’s a piece of cake!  He has recently started eating more table foods that are not prepared by me (cafeteria food at school) and it has been fun to see him taste new things.  With his food allergies, we have to be so careful about what he eats though.  I am constantly in the kitchen at work/daycare checking the labels on everything to see if they are made with milk/eggs/whey.  So far, it’s been going well.  I am still searching for more recipes of things I can make for him that we can eat too.  I feel like if we have to eat with E eats then we will all be eating healthier.  🙂

I think I may start mixing rice milk in with his pumped breastmilk during the day.  It’s still up in the air-we’ll see.  There are so many choices to make as a mom and I just want to make the ones that are best for Elijah.  Those decisions may not be what is best for every family, but we will choose what is best for ours.

About crazymayes

I'm a wife to a crazy youth minister, mommy to a sweet baby boy, teacher to 11 hyper five year olds and servant to our Savior. These are my thoughts, ideas, and wonderings...
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