a little of this and a little of that…

July is almost over and it feels like it just started.  I can’t say enough how quickly time flies.  Just a bit of news from our home lately…

VBS/KidExtreme was a huge success!!  I had the privilege of working with the 2s-5K teaching music!  I had a blast!  I never tire of working with children, I am blessed every single second!

Rushing left today for India!  He was so excited about this trip and can’t wait to see how God is going to use him.  I can’t wait to hear all about it.  I know he is going to come home having been through a life changing experience!  This has definitely been a crazy busy summer for us, with Rushing being gone a lot and actually only being at home for 10 days out of July with 4 of those being VBS!  It has been exhausting, but I continue to rely on God daily for support.  Needless to say, life in ministry is never ever boring. 🙂
Please join me in praying for he and the team as they minister to many orphans, widows, and new pastors.

My parents and brother (along with several others) are in Sao Paulo, Brasil ministering and serving for the remainder of the week!  I am so excited to hear all about their trip as well!

Sometimes I find myself struggling with being frustrated that I haven’t been able to be involved with our students.  I didn’t get to go to either camp or mission trip this summer.  I can’t just pack up and head out on a whim.  But then I remember that I am where I am for a reason.  That reason is this crazy little guy!

Elijah is becoming quite the independent little one lately.  He would rather crawl than be carried. He would rather drink from a sippy cup and has been refusing his bottles.  And don’t even bother trying to feed him….it’s an all out war!  You better just put the food on his tray and back away!  Did I mention getting him OUT of the bath tub?!  I think he would sleep in there if possible! 🙂

We have recently learned that Elijah is allergic to milk and eggs…. bummer we know!  However, I am taking it as a challenge!  I am in search of dairy and egg free recipes for both E and me!!  Suggestions are welcome!

Did I mention he is 9 months and 2 weeks old?!!

About crazymayes

I'm a wife to a crazy youth minister, mommy to a sweet baby boy, teacher to 11 hyper five year olds and servant to our Savior. These are my thoughts, ideas, and wonderings...
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1 Response to a little of this and a little of that…

  1. Brenda Mayes says:

    That’s kinda funny about the sippy cup. His father weaned himself when he was 9 months old. Always “rushing” into life! Love y’all and praying!

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