you get what you get…

We have a saying in my class room.  It goes something like this, ‘You get what you get and you don’t pitch a fit’.  My kids are probably very tired of me saying this seeing as how I can usually only get out,’You get…’ before they pitch in with, ‘what you get and you don’t pitch a fit’ with a smile and cheers of hooray!  Riiight 🙂  That would be too easy 🙂
Reality is: they are saying this with groans and rolling of the eyes…yes, they are only 5, I guess it starts earlier these days.

Unless….  If they see me talking to another child they will whole-heartily chime in with a sing-song voice.  They sure don’t mind telling their friends how it should be.  As long as they aren’t the one being reminded they are happy about it. 

I was thinking about this last night.  As a 25 year old I find myself doing the same thing.  I seem to always be in ‘want’ of something.  I complain because things aren’t always going the way I want them to. Really, I should count how many times I say ‘I want’ in one day, I think I would be pretty embrasssed at how selfish I really am. 

We, as a society, have become quite selfish.  We seem to always be striving for more.  Not in the good way.  We want more money, a nicer car, a bigger house in a better neighborhood, fancy clothes, pricey vacations, and on and on and on.  I’m preaching to the choir here, I’m just as guilty as any other.  Day in and day out I find myself wishing for better things.  Becoming jealous of others I see who have it ‘better’ than I do. 

We should be content with what God has given  us.  Wait.  Not just given us, but with what God has blessed us with!  God has blessed me with an inspiring and wonderful husband who loves me (even on my crabbiest days), a sweet baby boy who lights up our days (and nights for sure :)).  God has blessed us with a beautiful home in which to raise Elijah and minister to others in.  God has blessed me with a job that I love and a church family that has welcomed us in as their own. God has blessed me beyond what I can comprehend.  He truly has.  Why then do I find myself ‘pitching a fit’ for more? 

“…for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.  I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through Him who gives me strength.” Philipians 4:11-13

About crazymayes

I'm a wife to a crazy youth minister, mommy to a sweet baby boy, teacher to 11 hyper five year olds and servant to our Savior. These are my thoughts, ideas, and wonderings...
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